Having been doing this for over 30 years, and working with 100s of Businesses directly, Ian and Steve have come across all kinds of mistakes.
They've put together the 7 most common mistakes that people make when trying to secure meetings with influential decision makers, so that you can learn to avoid them!
One of the most common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to reach decision makers…
#1 Is that they go to customer services first.
I would say there are 6 or 7 key elements of advice and these constitute the biggest mistakes that people make.
Customer services as a concept is created to keep people at bay.
The senior executives at any organisations don’t want to be bothered with trivia.
A good customer services person can make life very difficult for people like us…
They are designed to keep us out.
Whilst it isn’t their fault and I don’t wish to pass judgement, the biggest problem with customer services is that the function has no authority other than to keep you at bay.
#2 We’ve also mentioned reaching out the person you ultimately want to speak to initially, is destined to result in failure.
Chances are you will be speaking to someone who loves to say no.
So, start from the top, at the personal or executive assistants who will refer you to the particular person…
The specific contact details are critical…
#3 Having a forename only is clearly not as good as a full name.
#4 Having a specific email address as opposed to a generic one like admin@ or sales@.
#5 One of our golden rules is to use your phone as a telephone, and not just as a keyboard only.
#6 It’s too easy to become lost in the digital world where everyone communicates without speaking on the phone.
Nobody ever used to paint their walls green or blue in the 70s and 80s, it was always magnolia, because it wasn’t offensive.
I’m not suggesting progressing in life means you have to be offensive, but you need to stand out.
So, if you commit these mistakes you will become magnolia.
Which to me, means you’re just getting by…
This is not rocket science.
But so many people just don’t do the basics well.
#7 Another common mistake is people saying “how are you” when they are reaching out to someone, without knowing them.
It’s insincere sincerity.
Nobody is interested in receiving enquiries about their well-being from someone that hasn’t introduced themselves and they don’t know.
But people still do it, they ask “how are you”, assuming you would think that is engaging.
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