Who Are The People You Need to Reach?


I've said on many occasions that in approaching retail, identifying the right person from the outset is critical...

...and as I'm sure you'll have heard me say previously, somewhere like Walmart, two million employees, that's not an easy job to do.

But if you're focusing in on their designation, ultimately the person that would probably decide if they're gonna buy your product or your service would be a product category director.

Reporting into them would be product category managers, product category assistant managers, etc etc.

Approaching them from the outset, wrong, wrong, don't approach them from the outset.

You know why?

People love to say no.

I dunno why they love to say no but they do.

And just avoid them, avoid them like the plague.

A good tip, go to the top of the company, Chairman, President, Managing Director, and ingratiate the PA.

It could be a lady, it could be a gentlemen, who knows?

It doesn't matter.

When the right-hand person to the top man forwards on inquiries and gives recommendations, they're usually adhered to.

They are usually listened to because influence filters down.

You need to know where to go ultimately but to get there, go to the top, influence filters down, and when you're in the right place they're compelled to listen.

That's what you've got to do.


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