Why is Retail the Place to be?


I talk a lot about retail, let me try and give you a mathematical equation.

Just bear with me a moment.

Excuse my writing, retail value.

We'll call it a random example.

Over the years, numerous clients, into big retailers right across the globe, and several of them will have turned over let's say a million pounds in a year.

I'll give you one random example here, let's say a client who's selling, I don't know, candles, just using this as an example of the potential to scale.

For example, somebody had the good fortune to get into Tesco or Walmart, they're not going to give you thousands of stores, let's say, 40 stores into which you can put your candles, and with a bit of luck, maybe over a period, I don't know, two months, three months, let's say you sell a thousand units, a thousand candles in each of these stores.

40 times 1000, my maths is reasonable, we'll say that's 40,000 units.

If the value that you sell these candles to the retailer, let's say six pounds, not the ultimate retail price, what you sell it to the retailer at, 40,000, 6 pounds each.

I think again my maths would be right, 240,000 pounds. Very, very simple, it's not rocket science, very, very simple maths, just under a quarter of a million.

Let's say that two or three months goes really, really well, they're happy with what you're doing.

They give you, I don't know again, they'll just extend the number of stores they're going to incorporate your products into.

Let's say, then I'll give you 200 stores.

And if the brand is becoming more popular, maybe you sell should we say 2000 units per store, over this two or three month period, whatever that is.

So 200 times 2000, I think that's 400,000.

If you're still selling them, to the retailer that is, I'm not talking about the retail price, let's say it's still at six pounds.

Again by my maths, that is 2.4 million.

Now, whether you generate a profit out of that will be the way that you manage your product, the way that you manage your relationship, but purely on the basis of turnover, just a random example of a random product, candles in this particular case...

...this is an outstanding example where you can scale your turnover to heights that you would never have been able to achieve by going on Amazon, having your own e-commerce site.

Retail is where you have the huge opportunity and we'd love to help you to do it.


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