How To Close Deals With The Identification + Crystallisation Framework


It’s all very well reaching out to the decision makers, and getting a meeting with the decision maker…

But you’ve got to close deals.

That’s the most critical part.

It’s the most important… but it’s definitely the hardest.

If closing deals was easy, everyone would be a millionaire.

There isn’t a simple answer to “how do I close a deal?”

The answer will be different in every situation you find yourself in, depending on who you’re speaking to and the company, whether it’s an investment transaction or a commercial transaction for example.

But there’s one little process which I pursue, that’s put me in very good stead.

It’s about:

  1. Identification of a problem
  2. Crystallisation of the problem
  3. Providing the resolution

So, you’re able to close deals to take two entities forward for a successful future, sometimes on the basis that you are solving a problem…

To be able to solve a particular individual’s or company’s problem, you need to have identified what that problem is & establish an element of agreement that the problem does prevail.

Then crystallising that problem.

What does the problem mean for that company?

e.g., less revenue, less profit, problems with customers.

The third component is to come up with the resolution.

That will be the key.

So, if I could tell you what the secret to closing a deal was, in a very simple succinct sentence, I would be distorting the truth.

The approach is different for every situation you find yourself in.

 But problem identification, problem crystallisation & problem resolution, always constitutes a good framework in which to secure success & close deals.


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