The Importance of An Indomitable State of Mind


Indomitable state of mind is one word….


Attitude to me is everything in life.

People often ask me if my glass if half empty or half full…

Well, it’s certainly not half empty and I don’t actually believe it’s half full…

I’d say it’s overflowing.

I don’t mean that to suggest arrogance or confidence, but we need to live in a barrel of optimism.

There is nothing to be gained by being pessimistic & negative.

People often ask what my role is in business interests…

Its’ very clear. It’s to surround myself with people far more talented than me.

I would much rather employ, appoint or commission somebody with limited talent who has a fantastic attitude, than someone who is saturated in talent and is recalcitrant.

So, when referring to an indomitable state of mind, to me, attitude enshrines what that is all about, but it relates to the concepts of perseverance, resoluteness, robustness & resilience.

These are critical because we don’t have good days every day.

Which is good, if every day was a good day they would seize to exist.

You need the bad days to make the good days feel worthwhile.

Often you hear people say the enjoy getting ‘no’s’.

I don’t enjoy getting ‘no’s’, but with each ‘no’ you get to any proposition, logically you are closer to a ‘yes’.

Reprogramming your state of mind is critical and you have to be different.

Don’t get bogged down by the ‘doom-mongers’, because there are a lot of there out there.

When I’m overseas, I often say I’m very proud of the BBC.

It has a deserved, wonderful reputation.

But they seem to wallow in bad news.

You often find football managers when being interviewed after they have lost try and find the positives in the game.

But this can be for anything. If you’re reporting Coronavirus data for example, if the data isn’t hugely encouraging but there is a downward trend, then at least highlight that.

I understand that journalists have a responsibility to say it how it is and tell the truth, but they also have a responsibility to raise the mood of the nation.

It isn’t just the BBC – it’s all media.

They often would rather report bad news than good news.

They say than bad news sells, but I think people have had enough…

This indomitable state of mind, reprogramming your mind, I often refer to Henry Ford, one of the big industrialists of the United States & the founder of the Ford motor company.

He has several quotes which I embrace, but one of them is “for every good idea that we have, 9/10 people will tell me why it can’t be done, but my company is based on the 1/10”.

The fact is most of the wealthiest and most successful people in the world share this indomitable state of mind.

They’re often different.

Magnolia doesn’t get you anywhere. It’s bland.

If you are happy to join the queue of life, you are destined to remain in the queue of life. 

But there are ways of progressing courteously, and certainly within The Silver Sales Bullet, we look at the concept of converting fear into courage, which is part of an indomitable state of mind.



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